
Two Old Girls
Meanwhile back at the shop, my beautiful bespoke headband arrived from Kelly.
Fill your stockings
Purchase Rosie Flo and Johnny Joe colouring books for your little darlings £5.99 each and don't require any batteries, SIM cards, remote controls or plug points which is a bonus.
Wrap them all up in our delightful paper £2 per sheet
Wreath making tomorrow, I forgot to photograph the steps today. If you read lots of blogs you might be a bit wreathed out as everyone seems to be banging on about them, so pop back on Saturday for pics of flowers from the wedding of the bride who has become rather affectionately
The joys of being a florist number 56 and a half
When I left the shop I looked like this

2 minutes after stepping into the establishment I looked like this.

It is a phenomena known as florist face, it comes with working in the extreme cold, and then going into a warm room, it lasts for a good 2 hours and no fancy green anti-red foundation will have any effect, trust me I have tried them all, Still want to be a florist?
I was going to show you all how to make a wreath, but I seem to have suddenly gone a little weak at the knees.
Christmas Wreaths and fairy lights
We hung them from the beams to admire whilst eating lunch. I had the meatballs for the 6th time in a row.
I had hoped to show you and the attendees a selection of wreaths I made up on Saturday afternoon - but we sold them. It seems Christmas is starting early with the good people of Stamford. Also don't tell The Mother Hen, but I may have put up some fairy lights and a few baubles on the twig trees Chez Miss P.
I have spent all day humming the tune If I were a boy by Beyonce. In my world the lyrics are a little different - If I were a boy, I would know whether you bleed radiators when they are on or off, I would not get my stiletto heel caught in the doormat at the petrol station, and I would most definitely not have found a brassiere attached to the twig trees, Easter was the last time they were used - one slice of Simnel cake and...... well I will spare my blushes.
Let's celebrate
A lot of buttonholes for a Ruby wedding do in London.
The Hound seeing a dusting of snow this morning has wanted to put up some Christmas decorations. We have had to explain that Christmas can't start until after my birthday - it's the law, he has spent the day sulking.
I have also discovered the merits of Google as a solver of domestic disputes, purchased a cherry red handbag, added Captain Slow to my laminated list, and eaten Stichelton (with Port - naturellement)
Flowers for a Friday
Miss Pickering and the flashers
There is the "Please Miss Pickering after you" flash, as they let me out, or turn in front of them.
Then we have the common "Hey blondie, are those flowers for me?" flash.
Today the "You might want to take your foot off the gas little lady, that 3 series in front of you is an unmarked police car" flash.
How I wish there was a way of distingushing between the 3.
I want that one
"I want a bouquet like this" - then that is what you shall have, only be a darling and wear the bird in your hair as well.
Does the property mis-descriptions act cover clothing? He wasn't.On another sartorial note, my "getting dressed in the dark" style, often involving the mixing of florals and stripes, has inspired The Small Child in her GSCE textile project. I am offically a muse. The Small Child is actually rather tall nowadays.
I really don't know what all the fuss is about, childcare is easy. Pop them in a box, leaving two hands free for making up bouquets and drinking Gin.
Puppy cam
The Hound is rather jealous of these 6 puppies and their meteoric rise to stardom. He is currently doing a little preening, making his bed, positioning the webcam and hoping to go live tomorrow.
Within these walls of grey
"That's the year we were born" reply the U5.
Picking myself up from the floor, I continued with my diatribe on life post school, to three different groups. They all listened intently, and put their hands up before asking questions. You would be hard pressed to find a more thoroughly decent group of girls.
Our school motto is Christ Me Spede, for the leavers of 1993 it was "Go grab the world by the b**lcks" and I think that was the gist of my talks, (don't worry Mrs Salt - I used slightly politer words)
The school has changed a little, the quad has been glassed in, the desks are newer, and the assembly hall is a very interesting shade of peach. The teenage angst over parents, A-Level and university choices were just the same as 15 years ago, and they all still go to Quayhole's.
The girls are now allowed to do CCF - it is hard to look ladylike in army fatigues, girls might I suggest accessorising with kitten heels? or at the very least a corsage.
This is of no interest to anyone other than an Old Girl -the Prep shelves have had a 60 minute makeover.
My dears, never mind Le Beaujolais Nouveau
The Holly, The Ivy, The Blue spruce and the cinnamon sticks are here. Sample wreaths are being made up, the usual thing plastic Christmas roses and a bit of polyprop ribbon.
The wreaths are available by mail order to anywhere in the UK, sorry we can't send them overseas. Prices are from £45- £150 plus delivery. Contact us by pony express with your door dimensions.
I will marry the first man
A work of art
Orchids, roses, swans and leopard print shoes.

Country meadow style pails of flowers and herbs
Candelabras swagged in opulent vintage roses, and one of Dartmouth swans filled with the popular palette of dusky pinks.
Preparations continue into the night
The Hound is having to type this as I have stuck my fingers and one eyelid together with photo mount. He is actually a dab hand with a laptop, and should he decide flower retailing is no longer for him, would make a good executive assistant.
Leaving updating the portfolio until the last minute probably wasn't the best plan. I have gone through 6 printer cartridges and jammed the guillotine, but at least there will be something to look at tomorrow - which is nice.
We have made lots of splendid arrangements (pronounced the french way of course) I have also fashioned myself a jaunty hat out of real life roses, some people seem to think it might be a bit much, what with the leopard print shoes and all. If you were expecting to see a girl in a fleece tomorrow, I fear you are very much mistaken.
Is photo mount toxic?
Burghley Wedding Fayre - a sneak peak
Tins filled with hydrangea to line the length of a long table, much nicer than doing one central design.
This week we have been mainly
To all residents past, present, and future of number 72 - the mulled wine, parkin, sparklers, worrying that the trees might catch, inappropriate footwear - Happy fireworks.