
A girl without portfolio

This Sunday I found myself in the very rare position of having a day off. No weddings to clear, no trade shows to attend, and no visits to far flung friends. I had been looking forward to this day for a while, a chance to read every word of the papers, garden, take The Hound on a long walk or try and tidy the garage. The weather wasn't pleasing to The Hound, who refused point blank to leave the house, and The Observer had the music magazine rather than the food monthly. Feeling at a bit of a loss, and having left it too late to head to a city for shopping, I baked some brownies. Normally I stick to Nigella's recipe, but decided to throw caution to the wind and try a new recipe form that Australian man Bill - seduced by the clever photography and artful styling that made them look healthy. 400g of chocolate, a slab of butter, a handful of nuts and some eggs later, the result was a bit heavy. In need of something savoury to counteract the sweetness, The Hound and I feasted on hot buttered toast with lashings of gentleman's relish and watched Pride and Prejudice. The garage remains untouched.

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