
The technology of information

Today has been a day of battling with I.T. matters. My email has been having a teenage strop, and I have been trying to work out how to extend the website to accommodate some interesting new things we have coming up. The Hound and I normally rely on a very dear friend to deal with all our technical matters, said friend, however is moving abroad, so we have decided to try some "Upgrades!" ourselves, after all it is all 1's and 0's so how hard can it be?
The Grand Prix winnings were enough to invest in a web cam and microphone for Skyping, I have struggled to make it work. The Hound however (like anyone under the age of 5) has taken to it like a duck to water, and is chatting to Paulette, a pretty poodle who lives in an apartment on Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré.
Details of the new flower school, will be available at the end of the month, stay tuned for course details!

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