
Tripping the light fantastic

A long needed trip to London - it was fabulous. I had hoped to bring you photos of interesting things to inspire the creative in you all. Apart from when looking at wedding venues, the camera stayed firmly in the handbag, I have found it is difficult to balance a Cannon 40D, with a glass of Champagne, whilst trying on very high heeled shoes. So you can be mainly inspired by the white tiling in Liberty's Champagne bar, it is the sort of tiling that one would see in a subway, and now I want to tile my shop in it, but fear it may clash with the medieval timbers. I can recommend a bottle or two with the dressed Brixham crab.
The delights of visiting favourite haunts such as Coco de Mer, and Hope and Greenwood, will have to wait until next time.
This morning I opened up the shop, cleaned the pavement outside in kitten heels - which always makes one feel tres Parisienne, it is a very European thing glamorous shopkeepers wielding mops. I then turned on the lights and nothing, panic set in, How much would an electrician charge? Who knows a good electrician? Once again the tears welled up (I play the damsel in distress card to a T) by some bizarre coincidence a man was looking at the lights in the corridor, and announced himself to be an electrician, 2 seconds later the problem was solved -apparement they had just tripped. I now know the whereabouts of our fuse box.
I have lots of flower pictures to share, weddings, house flowers etc. but seem to have lost the cable again in a handbag switchover. I have gone green, a wonderful new apple green bag, olive stack heels, and even a new pair of green sunglasses.

1 comment:

Electrician Pickering said...

Hi Miss Pickering. I really enjoyed your blog. It seems you a lot fun on your trip to London. I would advise that if you do hire an electrician make sure they have the relevant qualifications.