I know I should be embracing this seasons purples, and there was a brief flirtation with navy, but I always come back to grey.
1. Grey vase works beautifully with yellows and oranges
2. Charcoals, seriously underused these days
3. Joining the quilted bag bandwagon
4. Needs no explanation
and yes!
Miss P, do you own those divine shoes??? Where can I get a pair??? I fear you may soon be partly responsible for a large credit card bill. I suddenly feel the need to hit the shops!
I do own those shoes, they are one of a kind, and feel i may have to give them a little airing on Sunday.
Lucky lucky girI! What a treat to look forward to on Sunday. Am currently trying to justify today's spending to Mr B with the amount of M&S points I have racked up on the card. Forgot to let on about the pair of aubergine boots on order.....oops!
Is that 1001 pairs now? That is, of course, excluding those left in other parts of the globe. To those who don't know, Miss Pickering has led a very varied life and is inclined to always leave something behind to mark her visit. Some might call it forgetful.....others may wonder at her talent for having a reason to return.
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