Ta da!
Here it is, the new Joules Cat-A-Zine, I know you can't read it, unless you have some sophisticated software that can magnify it.
You'll just have to get your own copy, you can request one here, or call them on 0845 6066871, tell them Miss P sent you. It has lots in it, an article by me, recipes from Jimmy, information on joining the WI, some clothes, and a very dashing looking man, in a shed.
I might just call them up to ask for his number.
The Hound is overjoyed that he is finally in print, he has headed to The Electric, to talk to 'Media' people. Watch this space.
In other news, The Captain has taken The Mother Hen to Le Manoir today, can you imagine a better way to spend an afternoon? No neither can I. Stripping roses, doesn't hold quite the same appeal.
I did get a Valentine today, all very anonymous.......obviously it's shed man.
Simone, I have just received my Catazine from Joules and loved the spread about you. I'm a Fine Art photographer and just love all things with a contemporary take on vintage. I cover weddings as well and adore flowers so the article just popped out at me. All the best with it. Sarah
Hi Miss Pickering......
Read your blog everyday !!! So addicted!!!!!
Got my Joules Catazine today!!!! I was so excited whilst gushing over your article my friend asked me if I knew you as I was way too excited!!!! Bit sad to admit but hey ho.......
Lots of Love Cherry blossom xx
the hound in print!!!!
i must grab a copy and show it to my girls - they will be very impressed and no doubt will feel a little faint...
well done to you both x
t x
The Hound in print, I've ordered my copy!
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