The herb patch is getting out of control, all this sunshine has them stretching out their limbs and taking hold of more and more of the garden.
I think we will be selling bouquet garni this year.
The hound harvested a bowl full, which he blitzed with garlic cloves, lemon zest and the oil from a tin of anchovies. Add some extra virgin olive oil and you have the perfect sauce for a piece of grilled fish, or a dipping sauce for the oysters of chicken.
He went one step further however and added breadcrumbs and an egg to bind, pressed it onto a lamb breast, added the anchovies we didn't snack on, and rolled it all up. Roasted in the oven, and served with homegrown lettuce. A delightfully summery roast.
If you eat a crunchy salad, you can't hear the noise of your arteries furring up. Breast of lamb isn't the leanest of cuts, but is very delicious.
I promise in weeks to come, our cooking from the garden will be more varied. Due to Alys Fowlers influence we have sprouting broccoli, kale, sweetcorn, courgettes,artichokes,tomato, cavolo nero, spring onions, french beans, broad beans and many others still to come.
Never before has a television series so inspired me, i have always grown bits and bobs, but The Edible Garden will soon have us setting up an honesty table outside the front door.
lamb for us too today : )
yours looked much more impressive. i need to create a file for your recipes...i always forget.
crazy rosemary here. it is literally poking through the kitchen window ordering me to cut some for every meal. not much else but looks like you're growing enough for us green are your fingers??! x
Miss P - I'm so jealous - how do you get the time to do it all. My seeds will hardly germinate it's been so cold. The food looks delish!
Oh My goodness. I think I need to be fed by the hound!
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