The shop is in the town of Stamford, the finest stone built town in England.
It's enormously popular with camera carrying tourists, keen to snap the architectural details.
Quite often they stand at the top of the high street and point their cameras in the general direction of the shop.
for the roof lines
rather than my window displays.
I was going to take a picture of the outside of my shop, but you see that BIG WHITE VAN in the bottom left shot. That's where my shop is.
always so hard to photograph my shop. Someone is always parked in front and I have to aim UP from the sidewalk.
ooh the blog looks brilliant! Nice big photos over there on the side.
wish i was a camera carrying tourist right now...your town looks so quaint (probably tired of hearing that, but it's true). would love to visit your shop someday!
Wouldn't it be good if vehicles were banned from this beautiful street! (Except for flower delivery vans of course..) It is fabulous.
Every time I threw a soiree at my shop, the upstairs tenant had his ginormous, hideous van parked out front. And there was never a way to keep the 7-11 convenience store from reflecting in the glass when I took pics of my window displays. I feel your aggravation.
Sorry for being a slow on the uptake but are you doing some kind of blog "share" now Miss P? xxx
By the way never viewed Stamford from that angle before, it really is a beautiful place xxx
Shussssh....you'll increase house prices.
Every single time we come home I try and convince the beloved to move. He has none of it. Despite the sausages.
Mum coming down on Wednesday with a month's supply
those pics make me faint with the memories of red and white striped shirts and freezing my fingers off smoking Marlboro Lights on the meadows
You are in a gorgeous spot, shame about white van man! Love Linda x
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