and The Mother Hen and I did just that.
Is there anything better than an open garden? The promise of tea and cake, a plant stall, and a snoop around somebody else's garden. It is a truly wonderful thing. The oooo's and aaaaah's at floral splendour and perhaps the chance to see what wallpaper they have in their drawing room.
Like true English roses, we wandered the gardens and sat and took tea and cake outside on the windswept terrace. Chatting with others and saying how nice it was to be outside, whilst secretly wishing we had worn more layers.
Then on to the Herb Nursery, where i encouraged Mama to buy all the varieties of hellebores ever, and herbage, so that i can snip at them next year. If you are in the vicinity, a visit to the herb nursery is a must. It is a delight. Lovely people, and plants.
This weekend there is a bank holiday and it is Hambleton Open Gardens. They had me at the word Tombola.