furniture is being jiggled.
windows cleaned
There is natural light
and the heater has been resigned to the storage, so if the temperature plummets tomorrow it will be my fault.
also does anybody use Blogstomp? I have the trial and seems good for the resizing of images for blog and website. Is it good?
Blogger is having a fit mixing up all the images and its driving me crazy. Also the answer to this is not Wordpress.
and so many people have asked me what was Mrs Thatcher's funeral tribute. From the images I would say, Duchess de Nemours peonies, avalanche? rose sweet peas, phlox, and white forget-me-not.
I don't know who did them. Do you?
Also Dakota
Thank you, I was feeling the lack of a dog filled life.
Real or china.
Our summer must have fled your way.
May I borrow the heater?
xo jane
Must be something in the air... Cleaning windows and "jiggling" a bit of furniture here. You must have sent the cooler weather here by putting away your heater! Windy day with chilly temperatures tonight! Love the puppies...both kinds! As always.. Lovely flowers.
I love blogstomp and use it all the time for resizing images for my blog and website. Definitely worth paying for!
Blogger furstrates me when it comes to adding and rearranging images but I stick with it for my blog!
Love reading your blog :)
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