The world falls into 3 groups.
1. Those that do not cut, these people go to Chelsea and have gardens of only white and blues.
2. Those that grow a section for cutting, these people worship at the altar of Sarah Raven and have a lot of lime green.
3. Those that cut everything, flowers, foliage, herbs, these people are florists.
Now that the garden has had it's close up, i can hack away. Once you start it is difficult to stop.
Actually i don't have lilac in the garden yet, this was swiped. Every blog has tree lilac on it at the moment, i wanted some on mine.
Enjoy the Bank Holiday
p.s. Yes Lesley that is your chair, i am sorry i have had it for weeks and that neither you or your staff have been able to sit down. I will return them on Wednesday, although they do look good in my kitchen......
My garden has almost every colour, is slightly overgrown....I don't have a section for cutting....I don't cut anything (I have this ridiculous idea that plants just might feel pain when they are cut...I know totally ridiculous but there you are!)I absolutely love my flowers in the garden so what does that make me?!!!!
I do admire you floral works though so thankyou.
My dad gasped as I cut tulips out of my garden last week. But how am I to enjoy them inside when they are outside?
Gorgeous arrangement. Loving the white bleeding heart. I have started a cutting garden at my allotment, and cannot wait to raid it for blooms. Although all I can think of is cosmos! There are more flowers than cosmos surely, help me? I have hundreds of cosmos seedlings on my window sill...any ideas?
Wonderful, found you blog through Tea for Joy, and you have given me my first idea for stealing from the garden, and as I don't have a bleeding heart plant (is that the correct name..), my Mum does.......Kx
hello, I just found you from tea for joy, and see you are in stamfor! I grew up in Helpston, just along the road, my parents only moved away in october!
lovely blog, gorgeous photos.
Till I have enough in my own tiny patch, I always raid my granny's garden. I never leave without a bunch wrapped in foil and damp kitchen roll!
@Lou.. you should plant dahlias, I love seeing allotments full of their glorious colour.
Lou, what an exciting venture, i would get some hollyhocks in now for next year,and some angelica they are so striking in a very tall vase. Alchemilla mollis will provide amazing zingy foliage, and spread like wildfire, as will mint. i think i am the only person that encourages spreading of things.
Then head to a garden centre or hardware shop, stand in front of the seeds, and choose annuals that make your heart sing. For £1 you can have all kinds of things growing by high summer.
Try giving them a drink of calpol first
I quite agree, good for you.
Welcome to blondedesign and rebecca, you will get to know us all, lovers of twee with the occasional edgy bit to mix it up a bit.
Go now and swipe some
I cut EVERYTHING. My neighbors don't even mind anymore when they see me scavenging the fence for lilac and my much missed forsythia...not to mention I typically raid the fridge to see what I can add. Pine is my fave in the fall and winter and geez, I LOVE your bleeding hearts. just lovely!
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