
Wear peonies in your hair

Sometimes when we are conditioning flowers we accidentally on purpose snap a head or 3. And as there is generally an alice band and a couple of wires lying around, make headbands with the damaged goods. Do you remember all those how to's last year?

1. I am all about the curly hair this week, accessorised with peonies and delphinium flowers.
2. Utter beguiling
3. Ghislaine untangled my chains
4. Science corner is out of control, we are now an educational resource. Coach parties welcome.

and yes i am the sort of florist that wears DVF wrap dresses, red lipstick and red nail polish. I am allergic to fleece, polo shirts and bare lips. Even when it is very cold, with modern fabrics being what they are, there is no reason for anyone to ever have to wear fleece.

and as for the nail polish? My dear florist friends an amazing thing has been developed it is gel polish, not like those gel nails, just polish. 2 weeks of weddings, funerals, chasing after The Hound and a bit of gardening not a single chip. I had them done at Equilibrium next door, they have also just got the fish for pedicures.

I am not ready for the fish.

Whilst we are o the subject i am going to a wedding, the dress code is flowers in your hair and flip flops.
My area of expertise is shoes of a slutty nature, I am out of my comfort zone. Has anybody seen any amazing flip flops?

Do you have a science corner? Would you like to buy mine? Then i can buy something else to photograph.
Merci beaucoup.


sarah said...

Thank you so much for asking the question I have been asking myself this week: 'are peonies appropriate flowers for wearing in your hair?'

could you also answer the similar question: 'are peonies appropriate for buttonholes? are they a tad too large for such?'

thank you for your informative and educational column

Dan said...

Ha, it sounds like you have such fun in your shop!
I'm rather partial to these gorgeous flip-flops (though they are probably technically not flip flops)
Monsoon and New Look usually have gorgeous flip flops too.

Kim Finley said...

I love the hanging ceramic planter. And peonies and pretty girlie things. I wish I could pop into your shop. There is nothing here even remotely like it or how I would imagine it to be. Sigh.

flwrjane said...

i have just been in my garden and there is not a peony left to wear in hair. Unless i writhe around in the dirt under the peony bushes and come out covered in rain shattered bits.

I sound rather like that bride to be of yours who wants the wild/ scrabble playing flowers.

I'm off to the graduation shortly, our weather is what I imagine yours should be like. so I'm thinking wellies with a little silk frock. is this done?

xo jane

Anonymous said...

check assecorize for nice and feminine flip flops!!!

YYZ said...

Dearest Miss P,
1. Flip flops are NOT shoes. Try these instead: http://www.shopmystique.com/ (My area of expertise is also slutty shoes, so I feel your pain.)
2. Peonies are always right.
3. So are DVF wrap dresses, lipstick and nail polish.

I feel the same way you do about fleece, too.

megan said...

Gel nail polish?! Good God, how did I not know about this? So it really doesn't chip after 10 minutes of being around flowers?

Mammamsterdam said...

How's about matching peonies in your flip flops?

Admin said...

Vivienne Westwood flip flops?


I don't like the flip flop rule, better than the 'please wear cerise' rule my Mum has been faced with for a wedding in July however.

Florist in the Forest said...

I have heard of this thing called nail gel polish, I must investigate further!!

Miss Pickering said...

Thank you for all the flip flop advice. Brilliant. Will report back once i have a look at all the links.

Sarah, look out for todays post. Lapel man is back, does size matter is the question of the day.

The nail polish is amazing, really chip proof. It is OPI axium soak off gel polish, which you have to have done at a salon, and you need ot have it infilled after a couple of weeks, but i think it is so worth it. super shiny nails all the time, and the best part is they are completely dry the minute you leave, no waving your hands in the air for 2 hours. I think there is a system in the US called shellac which i have seen people talk about.

Anonymous said...

miss p, I am surprised at you. if you can wear peonies in your hair, surely you can wear them on your feet..thanks for the tip off about the gel polish.

Anonymous said...

I Think Liberty are doings flipflops or is it only in my dreams.