
Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink....let alone water the veg patch

Last night, the house was completely devoid of water, none in the taps, and only a smidgen in the last of a bottle of Evian. First thoughts were, of a plumbing trauma, then a rumour that all the water had been used to put out a fire at the Co-op (in fact it was due to a burst main) Europe's largest man made reservoir is just 1.5 miles down the road, but for some strange reason does not service us - I have never been able to work this out.
The Hound was very concerned about his latest crop of mizuna, he has taken to sowing successively every few days and eating them as shoots. Apparemment this is what all the great chefs are doing, and he is keen to keep up with the latest culinary trends.
Unable to make a pot of coffee or tea, we sat in the garden drinking Gin, hoping that the garden will survive a period of drought.

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