
Hearts and roses and moss

The Valentine's day window might be ready by April.

Somebody has already bought one of the tins of moss.

Sometimes people want to buy the things you least expect.

Then i spent the next half an hour giggling to myself whilst remembering this advert.

For display purposes only.


Molly at OneKindWord said...

I love the hearts in the moss. That's a wonderful Valentine's Day decor idea!

Amanda said...

Moss.....em I had to get some for college and luckily after my friend told me there was some by the brook she arrived with a small carrier bag full of it on Saturday afternoon. Both me and the woof were very happy that we didn't have to don our wellies to go and find some and could continue being curled up on the sofa till the boy Michael came home :-)

Urbanstems said...

Eh I just want a melon! The moss and hearts are lovely as too are the blooms (of course!!!).Sinead

The Monkey Flower Group said...

When I worked at a compost facility we sold samples in pint-sized ice cream containers, which the ice cream company's lawyers had us label with a "do not eat this compost" warning. Which we all found quite funny.

But now your adorable moss in tins remind me of tasty little cupcakes. Good thing for the "display only" disclaimer.

Mother Hen said...

It reminds me of your Easter window a few years ago. A lady was agitated as you couldn't sell her the seemingly fresh eggs in the display, "Why are they in the window if they are not for sale?", she uttered in a most exasperated manner.
It is all about the brand Miss P xxx

Anonymous said...

Very lovely --- enjoy the moments x

Urbanstems said...

Miss P.I was inspired by your moss pots and put my teacup away (for the moment only I may add!). Sinead

Joy said...

Very nice. Love valentines