
Purple rain

This post is brought to you by the drugs, Ventolin, Clarityn, Diclofenac, and Ibuprofen and caffeine.

It's contra-indication central

I wouldn't pass an Olympic drugs test, but i'm getting a lot done, just as well given how busy it is.

and i am wearing a size smaller jeans. Send cake, or maybe don't.

As Jimmy would say it's a win win situation.

also Prince

Hopefully normal service will resume soon.


Unknown said...

that is an interesting mixture of drugs MissP - good luck with it all.

{Love, Love, Love} said...

I find Citirizine Dihydrochroloride is the way to go...about £2 for 30 tablets at Sainsburys...like brands only cheaper x

Becca said...

I have clicked and saved the first image. I would credit it but all my flower pics are yours so have stopped bothering.

Delicious. I love white.