
Flowers for a wedding

These are the colours we using this week for the wedding.

Why do The Dutch put babies on their packaging?

Avalanche, majolica, Quicksand, hydrangea, Duchess de Nemour peony, Avalanche nature.

Nothing is local.


Becca said...

You are local....

Mrs B said...

I was once told the babies belong to that grower....could be a market myth but also a possibility.....bit like a family album. I find the babies a little frightening but I like the brown bears. Lovely eau de nil colours xxx

Anonymous said...

Super charming blog! (just discovered recently) Best wishes

Mrs B said...

Bet I'm as grubby as you are (perverts please note, this is in a flower dirt and leaf stained top kind of way). On my first drink.... Hope you're on your 5th xxx

Tracey said...

Lovely to meet you last week, I put the delphiniums in every room (well nearly) and they made me smile everyday! (Posted some photos on my blog). I hope the wedding went well this weekend!