Well Part 1 was an internet phenomenon, so here is part 2.
This is a nonchalant look, like you just picked a flower and tucked it behind your ear. Did you do that with daises and buttercups when you were little?
You will need a flower, I have used a single head of the spray rose Majolica, but a gardenia would be just fabulous. 1 small safety pin, 1 kirby grip in blonde, or brunette if you are one.
Snip the head off, leaving a little of the stem, otherwise the wretched thing will fall apart on you.
Skewer it with the safety pin, and close the pin. This gives you something to grip to.
Position at a suitably nonchalant angle, and grip in.
Easy as pie.
Are you loving these instructional posts? Do you think they would make a great book? A pretty hardback?With beautiful photographs and illustrations? Retailing at £20?
Me too.
Please note, roots have been touched up, a brush might have been useful though....
Next week, flowers for one of those o so glamorous messy up-dos.